January 24, 2015

The Chai Expert

I never ventured into that shop - it screamed exclusivity and high prices. I could never think of paying hundred rupees for a cup of tea. That would be insane. But the first time I mustered up the courage to actually spend that money - why not, I am earning, and these are experiences to be counted into life. I always tell my friends now, what if I get hit by a truck right now, and my wish was to have a chocolate mousse? I never dream of a Gucci bag or a three day stay in a 7 star resort, I dream within my means. And back then, hundred rupees for chai, was well within my means.

The waiter approached me with a black thick menu card. My eyes went directly to the prices - thirty rupees, masala chai. What? I missed drinking this? I enthusiastically leafed each page, and that is when it struck me, oh my, so many varieties of tea. Who knew? Back home, tea was of two kinds, actually three. One with thick creamy milk, with sugar. Two without milk, but with sugar. And three, which was my amma's special, black, with sugar and a small teaspoon of ghee. Yum. But here, pages after pages, for headaches, colds, fatigue, romance, who knew.

I decided. Masala chai. Thirty rupees. First step done.

As years went by, I adapted quite naturally into the role of a tea expert. Oh, need sleep, drink this one. Got a headache, migraine, you say, drink that. Chamomile, Orange Blossom, Peppermint, the list went on.

But the very first sip of exotic tea every time, takes me back to that day, I decided to try to step out and have that cup of masala chai.

Thank you Cha Bar. For memories and courage.


Bioswami said...

I still prefer cutting chai ;)

Dhanya said...

@Bioswami Yup. I know.