April 24, 2014


Yesterday, yet again, there was a heated discussion between my husband and my mother in law.

For the past few days, the discussion was about an uncle whose son got married recently. Apparently, the new bride does not seem to be taking any interest in getting up in the morning, cooking or even talking to the people in the house. The uncle being a widower, used to do all the work in the house, including the cooking, because he felt that because his sons lost their mother, they should not feel the lack of one...

The hunt for a girl suited to the family was on full swing. But here is what I thought...she is educated, good looking and smart. Sadly, she did not have a job. For her, the life that seems to be ahead lies in the kitchen of a house filled with three men.

Which brings me to why I am writing this - - I am educated, I have struggled my way through to sit on the chair that I sit now. But am I the stereotype of the working woman - career oriented, strong headed, who does not care for her family etc?

I am not. Not for me. And do I need to care of what others think? Yes, my mother would say - all her life has been about "what would they say?". But really, do I care? Should you care?

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