May 11, 2014

Until the End?

There was never a better time, to walk away from this dirt. 
But I am holding on. 
For what, I wish I knew.
When his madness seems justified, why not mine. 
When his fear is justified, why not mine. 

When his adventures are justified, why defy mine.
When love gets captured in a cage,

Is the urge to flap the wings and crave for freedom justified?

When my freedom has to be curbed, my freedom to live my life,
What should I do other than walk away?

How many more times do I walk away? 
How many times will I return?

My patience is running out,

So is my love, my beloved,

For you, I have given up,

A life that I dreamt to have,

My freedom, and soon, I would,

Give up my breath and life too! 

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